London' knife crime endemic has gone way past the daily demands from woke liberals for more youth centres or making poverty history. But for the deluded likes of Owen Jones and Diane Abbott, the place to lay the blame for young men hacking each other to death on our terror infested streets is simple: the Government and so-called austerity. Their solution? Spend more on free school meals, youth centres and the coolest of right-on youth workers to 'engage and connect' with our young people. Yes, that'll do the trick, Sadiq.
These loony liberals perpetuate the 'they're poor and don't know what they're doing myth', while deliberately ignoring the real causes of the scores of predominantly young black men being maimed and killed on our streets every year - their upbringing, education and their own bad decision making.
Introducing positive male role models and reformed gang members at the local youth centre won't cut the mustard; it's fathers and grandfathers at home - and a firm hand - that are needed here. Boundaries, discipline and less political activism in schools and would be a good start, but teaching unions don't want that. Banging up these young terrorists in prison with long, hard labour would do the trick, but police, judges and politicians won't do that.
Instead, this privileged entitled elite tell us that this growing group of self-centered, thuggish young people are angry because they're poor or misunderstood - we're told by mainstream media that these kid murderers are the real victims. One thing is true though: for woke liberals, black lives on our streets really don't matter.
So who's to blame? They know. We know. But let's continue to kid ourselves that our young people need more activist, Labour indoctrinating youth workers and Nike trainers. Let's carry-on feeding these violent terrorists with the excuses they need to feel better about taking the life of another human being.
Let's play politics and ignore the real terrorists on our streets.
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