Sunday, 2 February 2020

The Twelve Days of Brexit: Day 2

On the second day of Brexit my country gave to me:
Freedom from the ECJ!

No more European Union and European Court of Justice directives and laws foisted upon the UK.

(C) Competition Policy International
No more laws made by EU officials and politicians who cannot be voted out by the British people.

(C) Blower @
No more of the ECJ interpreting and reinterpreting EU law in line with the European Commission’s changing priorities.

Reinstatement of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom as the final arbiter on British law.

We took back control. 31st January 2020 @ 11pm

Saturday, 1 February 2020

The Twelve Days of Brexit: Day 1

On the first day of Brexit my country gave to me: sovereignty and democracy.

We voted for British laws to be made by the UK Parliament alone. Now they will.

No more European Council, European Commission, European Parliament or a future United States of Europe.

 Happy Independence Day!

Brexit Got Done, 31st January 2020 @ 11pm

Credit: AFP or licensors